Taxation YearThe Town of Stonewall taxation year runs from January to December.
Tax Mill Rate Information
Download the mill rates and tax information
Tax Due Date
Property Taxes are due THE LAST BUSINESS DAY IN SEPTEMBER. No discount is offered for early payment.
Tax Arrears
Penalties of 1.25% per month are added to any outstanding taxes on the first of every month beginning on October 1st.
Tax Payments
Taxes are due the last business day in September. Payment may be made in the following ways:
Pay Online
Pay online!
CLICK HERE for instructions on how to pay taxes (and utilities) online. When making payments online, please include all numbers (including zeroes) to ensure payment is applied correctly.
** NOTE: most financial institutions take 2-4 business days to process the online payment. Penalties will be applied if the payment is not received by the due date.
TIPP Program is available!
The Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) is a monthly tax payment plan that allows rate payers to make consecutive monthly payments that are deducted automatically from their bank account.
The TIPP Program starts on January 1st of each year and payments are made on the fifteenth day of each month through automatic withdrawal from an account with chequing privileges at a financial institution. The TIPP program collects taxes for the calendar year January 1st to December 31st and ensures that all taxes are paid in full without penalty. More information can be found
Pay By Mail
Cheques and money orders should be made payable to Town of Stonewall. Postdated cheques should be dated no later than the last business day in September. Ensure that you include the stub from your tax bill with your cheque or money order so that your payment can be applied to the correct roll number. Should you require a receipt, please include a note indicating your request, and one will be mailed to you.
Mailing Address:
Town of Stonewall
Box 250
Stonewall, MB R0C 2Z0
Pay In Person
Payments may be made in person, Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. Contactless payments can still be made via cheque, or money order by using the deposit lock-box located in the front door of the Town Office.
Civic Address:
Town of Stonewall, 293 Main Street, Stonewall, MB
Pay By Credit Card on the Customer Portal
The Town of Stonewall is pleased to announce the launch of its new eServices website!! This new eServices site is an online customer portal which will allow Stonewall Residents to view their Property Tax account balances, and receipts. Payments can be made through the online customer portal using a credit card (subject to a convenience fee).
The new eServices site can be found at:
To take advantage of this new customer portal you will need an ACTIVATION KEY. Please contact for more information.
You will then need to sign in and register your account. If you require any help with your initial sign in, a step-by-step cheat sheet can be found HERE.
Tax Statements
Tax Statements are mailed out each year in June/July. If you are moving please provide us with your new civic address and complete mailing address. It is most important that the Town be advised promptly of any change of ownership or mailing address in order to ensure that the tax statement is properly forwarded. If, however, an ownership change occurs and you receive a tax bill for a property you no longer own, please forward the tax bill to the current owner or return it immediately to the Town. It should be noted that failure to receive a bill does NOT excuse an owner from responsibility for payment of taxes nor relieve that owner from liability for any late payment penalty.
NEW! Manitoba School Tax Affordability REBATE Program
The Manitoba Government is introducing a School Tax Affordability Rebate directly on the property tax bill for 2024. Residential and farm property owners will receive a rebate of 50% of their school division tax levy directly on their tax bill to reduce a portion of their school taxes. Other properties will receive a 10% rebate on the total of both the school division special levy and the education support levy directly on their tax bill. No application is required.
Manitoba Education Property Tax Credit Program
The Manitoba Government offers an Education Property Tax Credit up to a maximum of $350.00. If you do not already have the Credit applied to your municipal property tax statement, it can be claimed on your Personal Income Tax. The Credit is claimed on the Manitoba Income Tax Form MB479 – Manitoba Credits.
Savings for Seniors!
If you are 65 of age or older by the end of the year, you may qualify for additional savings from the Manitoba government to help cover your education property taxes. These credits can be claimed on your Personal Income Tax on the Manitoba Income Tax Form MB479 – Manitoba Credits.
Assessment Notices
Assessment notices are distributed through the Provincial Assessment Office and mailed to the ratepayers. In Manitoba, property is assessed at market value in accordance with The Municipal Assessment Act. Questions regarding property assessment should be directed to the Selkirk Assessment District Office at 1-866-262-9786 or 204-785-5092. When making an inquiry, please quote the roll number that appears in the top right hand corner of your tax bill or assessment notice.
Appeal on Assessment
An assessment can be appealed through Board of Revision annually and correspondence should be directed to the Municipal Office. Appeals should be in writing and must clearly state the reasons for an appeal. For assessment information, please call the Assessment District Office in Selkirk at 1-866-262-9786 or 204-785-5092.
Tax Certificates
Unless requested by the registered owner, provision of tax information on properties will be provided by Tax Certificate request only. The fee for a tax certificate is $40.00 per roll number.